Sunday, January 30, 2011

UPDATED Torrg Look! (All Ages)

To my pleasant surprise Vauvakolibri on Livejournal had offered up free sketches to override some boredom and I offered Torrg up for a drawing, I was totally blown away, most of the art was chibi or playful in nature and this was so gritty and rugged and serious I sat there for at least five minutes with my jaw unhinged, hanging open. Torrg turned 50 in my stories, so she gave him a good, aged appearance. Mojo had given him a septum piercing for his birthday, a nice iron ring was added properly, and during an event of the Cataclysm, Torrg received a scar from flying debris that resembles a crescent moon shape over his eyebrow. These were done so perfectly I am so happy to say that THIS is Torrg ;) Hehe!

TORRG Art! (Semi NSFW PG-13)

These were three $1 commissioned picture sketches I'd had done of Torrg from the artist Hedjayath on Fur Affinity that I was rather pleased with, He is a little cuter than I imagined heheh! Enjoy!

This piece is dedicated to Torrg's main craft of Leatherworking. As he's gotten to be 50 years old in my stories of course an orc's eyesight isn't as sharp as it is at 20 so he wears a monocle for those extra fine stitches. I thought the look got nailed  pretty nicely!

Ahem this one is a little more risque I suppose ;) Torrg casting a spell after being interrupted taking a stroll in his undies, I imagine he was just getting into a bath or going out for a swim, though it more looks like he's experimenting with a little ball of lightning ;) how handsome!

AHEM! Yes Torrg wears a thong, I'd gotten an inspiration for someone's rather sexy looking profile picture of his Tauren toon being in a purple thong so I created the idea of Torrg having one of his own. I think I've explained it before but this is a little better at detail. I imagine it to have a *little* more fabric at the top cup of the ass but this really gets a point across ;)